For these loans, you are charged interest based on the original loan amount. Every month, you will pay a fixed monthly interest charge and a fixed amount to repay the principal, i.e. your original loan. Hence, your monthly payments are a fixed amount and will be constant throughout the loan period.
The advertised interest rate is known as the Simple Interest Rate. It can often be deceiving, as consumers end up getting charged far more in interest than they expect. A common example of a flat rate is a car loan.
Let’s run through an example.
* A nominal rate means that this is the rate charged for 1 year. This value requires adjusting to your compounding period, which in this case, will be your instalment period of one month. Most rates you see are given as a nominal rate.
Monthly interest payments
= interest rate adjusted to monthly x original loan amount
= (0.035 x 1/12) x $2,000
= $5.83
Monthly principal repayment
= loan amount / total number of months
= $2,000 / (5*12)
= $33.33
Total monthly payments
= monthly interest payments + monthly principal repayments
= $5.83 + $33.33
= $39.16
Total payments over the life of the loan came to $2,350, of which $350 was for interest payments.
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